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Ambe Hydraulics

Established in the year 2000, Ambe Hydraulics is a young and dynamic company working to make its presence felt as a renowned manufacturer and exporter of hydraulic machines catering to the requirements of the industrial and engineering goods industry. Our comprehensive range of products include Hydraulic Machine, Hydraulic Shearing Machine, Vertical Paper Baler, Triple Compression Scrap Baler, Double Compression Scrap Baler, Double Compression Scrap Baler 05 and Single Compression Scrap Baler.

We design and develop products keeping in mind the demanding nature of the industry in the present scenario. Our company has the distinction of developing and engineering different varieties of durable plate working machines for our clients engaged in sheet metal fabrication work. Our products are made from premium grades of stainless steel and other metals and have components made from brass, copper and other suitable material that fits the requirement of the machine.

Our production capacity depends on the quantity ordered by the customers. Through our efficiency and good manufacturing practices (GMP), we have made quite an impact on our worldwide customers. Our faster growth is also the result of our alert and experienced top management that has guided the employees to give optimum results without compromising on quality.

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  • Member since: 30/07/2023
  • Products: 23
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